Descendants of Gillis VANPEENE
I.1 Gillis VANPEENE.
1. Lucas de oudere (see also II.1).
2. Rogier (see also II.3).
3. Charles.
Married on 13-05-1552 in Roeselare to Paulina GOOSINS,
daughter of Pierre GOOSINS.
4. Mechelyne (see also II.7).
II.1 Lucas de oudere VANPEENE, linnenwever-koopman, born in Roeselare,
vermoedelijk overleden in Londen 06-07-1577. Testament in Londen 1577.
Testamentum Luce VANPEENE pochie S(an)ti Laurentij ponontuey (?) defunct.
CONSYDERING the scripture teacheth us and experience docth showe that
all men are a morsall and there besydes that is very uncertaine of the
houre for that the life of man ys compared by the grasse and floures of
the feild by the vapour of a pott and by like things ..... shortly doe
pische Therefore I thought good to declare here what I will have to be
done with my goods ..... I through the blessing of the lord shall leave
after my decease after that god through his merry and through the merrite
of his sonne Jesus Christ out of this mortall life shall have me up into
his kingdome Imprimis my last will and decise ys that CHARLES my sonne
shall vercave all whatsoener into me ys belonging and execute and minister
the same according to the tenor of this my testament Also that Reneers
BACKERELL and Michaell CORSELIS my sonnes in lawe shall heve outsight (?)
that all my affaires may be made even and if I doe not any thing that the
same before all the daye be paide and the shewting up of the accompt being
made there shalbe taken of the remayning goods Inprimis sextene pounds
sterling for the poore of the dutch congregacon in Londen my brethren and
sisters in the Lord and three pounds for the preachers of the church to
wete two pounds for James DE CONINCK and one pound for Godfrey WINGINS
(MINGENS?) And ..... twelve pounds sterling for litle LUCAS my youngest
sonne that he may studye a whole yeare And moreover for ROGER my brother
Thirtie pounds sterling or aight pounds sterling yearly during his life
And if he chaunced to dye before his wief then she shall heve six pounds
sterling yearely during her life, therefore you my children shall doe what
you thincke best whether it be to give him the thirtie pounds sterling or
his yearly rent above rehersed (?) the most voices shall obtaine. And if
you doe give them the yearly rent every (?) one of you shall promise and
bind him selfs to give him every one his parte whether yt be yearly or
quarterly as it shalbe best for him And also his wief as is above said if
it happened that the first were taken by God out of this world And further
JACOMINA his daughter shall have five pounds sterlinge and Jane VANDERCLEY
ten shillings ffurther (sic) the rest shalbe devided amoug.. my six
children sonnes and daughters every one porton (?) equally without that
ether thone or thother shall have any more advantage but such as herem is
noted. This is my last will and desice that this shalbe p(er)formed except
that I dide make another or did cause to be made one of a younger date ...
doe breake these pidtes (?) even as this pidte (?) breaketh and maketh
voyde all former of elder date Morever I doos require of MICHAELL and
CHARLES that they shall assiste litle LUCAS and take care and kepe that
... the Lord hath given him to his wife. In witness of the truth I have
caused to be written and subscribed ... my hand In the yeare of our Lord
Jesus Christ 1577 the sixt of june in Londen subscribed bij mey LUCAS VAN
PEENE. Hec translatio ... ... originale debite rollata, sub... inventa est
concordare tertio die Julij A° 1577 Paulus TYPOTS notarius publicus.
PROBATUM fuit supra scriptum Testamentum coram magro WILLmo DRURYE
legum doctore ... progatine cant commissario apud London sexto die mensis
Julij Anno Dni millisimo Quingentisimo septuagesimo septimo juramento
JOHANNIS VAN PEENE executoris in .... testo nominat Cui comissa fuit
admistraro om... et singulorum bouorum ... de bene ... Jurat. ouderling
NDK(16). Son of Gillis VANPEENE (see also I.1).
Married to Maria PEMELS, died ca 1559, overleden ca 16-10-1559
zie staat van Goed Roeselare.
From this marriage:
1. Charles VANPEENE DE ZUYDPEENE (see also III.1).
2. Rogier de jonge (see also III.4).
3. Agnees (see also III.7).
4. Jan (see also III.8).
5. Joosyne (see also III.11).
6. Jackemyne, born voor1559-9 in Roeselare.
Married (1) on 26-02-1579 in Londen to Hermes BACQUEREEL.
Married (2) on 25-09-1582 in Londen to Artus VANCAMPEN,
born in Antwerpen.
Married (3) on 09-01-1588 in Londen to Hans STOCKBRIGGS,
born in Londen.
7. Lucas de jongere (see also III.15).
8. Maerthin, born voor1559-1, wordt vermoedelijk in 1577 niet
meer vernoemd. zie staat van Goed 888/178 Roeselare.
9. Michiel (see also III.18).
II.3 Rogier VANPEENE, zie testament van Lucas VANPEENE in LONDEN. Is
mogelijks gehuwd met Catharina CHRISTIANS fa Jacques. Hij zou dan geboren
zijn in Kortrijk en huwde dan in Ieper St.Pieters op 04-05-1539???? (is dan
sporemaecker), son of Gillis VANPEENE (see also I.1).
1. Jacomine, zie testament van Lucas VANPEENE in Londen.
2. Jan (see also III.21).
3. Kaerle (see also III.26).
II.7 Mechelyne VANPEENE, died voor 1560, daughter of Gillis VANPEENE
(see also I.1).
Married (1) to Cornelis DEWAELE.
Married (2) to Pieter BONCHIER. Ook PONTCHIER. Zie opgave eigenaars
Roeselare-Oost p. 240 op datum van 13-11-1560.
From the first marriage:
1. Jan (see also III.28).
III.1 Charles VANPEENE DE ZUYDPEENE, linnenkoopman, born voor1559-4 in
Roeselare, died voor 1617, ouderling en diaken NDK. Son of Lucas de oudere
VANPEENE (see also II.1) and Maria PEMELS.
Married (1) on 05-05-1584 in Londen to Marguerite LE VASSEUR, born
in Rysel, died na 1618.
Married (2) to Janneken VANRECKEM.
From the first marriage:
1. Daniël VANPEENE, born on 27-06-1585 in Londen.
2. Maria VANPEENE, born on 01-01-1587 in Londen.
3. Carolus VANPEENE, born on 28-04-1588 in Londen,
volgens andere bronnen is hij gehuwd met Janneken VANRECKEM in
plaats van zijn vader.
4. Elisabeth VANPEENE, born on 17-08-1589 in Londen.
Married to Samuel GILLIS, born 1582, 9 kinderen.
5.Jeremias VANPEENE, born on 16-11-1589 in Londen, died in
Hawkhurst ? overleden ca 22-05-1619.
6.Paulus VANPEENE, born on 22-11-1590 in Londen, died on
20-07-1656 in Den Haag at the age of 65.
Married to Jeanne GILLIS, born on 11-02-1608 in
Amsterdam, died on 07-03-1655 in Den Haag at the age of 47,
daughter of Jean GILLIS.
7.Maria VANPEENE, born 1591 in Londen, died na 1667.
Married to Pierre GILLIS, born 1584, 8 kinderen.
Son of Brisse GILLIS and Jehenne
8.Lucas VANPEENE, born on 27-06-1592 in Londen.
Married to Cathelyne VANPEENE, dit is een
vermoedelijk huwelijk.
9.Samuel VANPEENE.
From the second marriage:
10.Deborah VANPEENE, born on 15-02-1607 in
III.4 Rogier de jonge VANPEENE, linnenkoopman, born voor1559-3 in
Roeselare, diaken en ouderling NDK. genaturaliseerd op 22-11-1575.
Afkomstig "from the dominion of Philip, King of Spain", son of
Lucas de oudere VANPEENE (see also II.1) and Maria PEMELS.
Married on 09-04-1577 in Londen to Mechelyne LEEMANS, born in
From this marriage:
1. Lucas, born on 05-10-1578 in Londen.
2. Abraham, born on 03-12-1581 in Londen.
3. Isaac, born on 23-06-1583 in Londen.
Married at the age of 35 on 20-04-1619 in Londen to
Maria DEPRILL, born in Londen.
4. Jaquemyncken, born on 25-10-1584 in Londen.
5. Jacob, born on 17-11-1586 in Londen, >Married at the age
of 25 on 14-07-1612 in Middelburg/'s Gravenhage to
Soetgen DAVIDS, born in Schilperoot.
6. Elisabeth, born on 10-03-1588 in Londen.
7. Susanna, born on 22-06-1589 in Londen.
8. Daniël, born on 28-10-1590 in Londen.
III.7 Agnees VANPEENE, born voor 1559 in Roeselare, died 1578 in Londen,
daughter of Lucas de oudere VANPEENE (see also II.1) and Maria
Married on 19-01-1574 in Londen to Hermes BACQUEREEL.
From this marriage:
1. Maria, born on 02-02-1575 in Londen.
2. Jonas, born on 07-10-1576 in Londen.
III.8 Jan VANPEENE, born voor 1559 in Roeselare, died in Londen, son of
Lucas de oudere VANPEENE (see also II.1) and Maria PEMELS.
Married to Marie TYBAULT, born in Ieper, overleden ca 14-10-1582.
Daughter of Heyndrick TYBAULT.
From this marriage:
III.11 Joosyne VANPEENE, born voor 1559 in Roeselare, daughter of
Lucas de oudere VANPEENE (see also II.1) and Maria PEMELS.
Married voor 1567 to Michiel (alias Griffen) CORSELLIS,
born in Roeselare.
From this marriage:
1. Susanna.
2.Michiel CORSELIIS.
III.15 Lucas de jongere VANPEENE, born voor 1559 in Roeselare, died
1587 in Londen, predikant NDK. Son of Lucas de oudere VANPEENE
(see also II.1) and Maria PEMELS.
Married on 08-02-1586 in Londen to Jacomynken ROMBAUTS, born in
From this marriage:
1. Lucas, born on 03-03-1588 in Londen.
III.18 Michiel VANPEENE, born voor 1559 in Roeselare, son of Lucas de
oudere VANPEENE (see also II.1) and Maria PEMELS.
Married on 03-02-1590 in Londen to Janneken DEWAGHE, born in Gent.
From this marriage:
1. Tobias, born on 06-12-1590 in Londen.
III.21Jan VANPEENE, linnenwever, born in Roeselare, died ca 1594 in
Londen, son of Rogier VANPEENE (see also II.3).
Married (1) on 07-09-1581 in Londen to Joosyntgen DORPES, born in
Married (2) on 13-12-1586 in Londen to Sara VANNUFFELE, born in
Married (3) on 20-08-1588 in Londen to Cathelyne LAROCKE, born in
Married (4) in Roeselare to Passchyne VANHULLE, born in Roeselare,
died on 22-06-1580 in Londen.
Huwkontrakt voor notaris Pauwels TYPPOTS in Londen op 22-06-1580.
Medecomparanten hierbij waren Jacques OSTEN fs Passchiers (van Gent) en
Karel VANPEENE fs Rougiers (van Roeselare). Getuigen waren Denys LE
BLANCHE, openbaar notaris, en Cornelis SPIERINCK, beide inwoners van
Londen. Daughter of Jooris VANHULLE.
From the fourth marriage:
III.26 Kaerle VANPEENE, born in Roeselare, son of Rogier VANPEENE
(see also II.3).
Married on 31-01-1576 in Londen to Barbelken VERMOTE, born in
From this marriage:
1. Susanna, born on 28-07-1577 in Londen.
2.Daniël, born on 15-03-1579 in Londen.
3.Judick, born on 09-10-1580 in Londen.
4.Johanna, born on 10-02-1583 in Londen.
5.Samuel, born on 14-02-1585 in Londen.
6.Jonas, born on 27-08-1587 in Londen.
7.Jacob, born on 12-03-1592 in Londen.
III.28 Jan DEWAELE, overleden ca 13-11-1560. Son of Cornelis
DEWAELE and Mechelyne VANPEENE (see also II.7).
Married to Jacquemyne SPEMELS, died ca 1555. Daughter of
Maerthin SPEMELS.
From this marriage:
1.Callekin, died voor 1560?
2.Martynkin, died na 1560.
Descendants of Daniël PEENE
I.1 Daniël PEENE, born ca 1660.
Married on 02-12-1688 in Loose to Anne QUAIF, died 1729.
From this marriage:
1. William (see also II.1).
II.1 William PEENE, born ca 1689 in Boughton Monchelsea, son of
Daniël PEENE (see also I.1) and Anne QUAIF.
1. William PEEN (see also III.1).
2. Thomas PEEN, born in Sutton Valence.
3. Nicholas PEEN, died 1741 in Sutton Valence.
4.Daniël PEEN (see also III.6).
III.1 William PEEN, born 1715, died 1762, son of William PEENE
(see also II.1).
Married 1738 to Elizabeth X.
From this marriage:
1. Elizabeth, born 1740 in Sutton Valence.
2. Mary, born 1743 in Sutton Valence.
3. John, born 1744 in Sutton Valence.
4. Ann, born 1746 in Sutton Valence.
5.Nicholas, born 1747 in Sutton Valence, died 1748 in
Sutton Valence.
6.William, born 1748 in Sutton Valence, died 1814.
7.Ann, born 1753 in Sutton Valence.
8.James Alexander (see also IV.8).
III.6 Daniël PEEN, died 1744, son of William PEENE
(see also II.1).
Married 1730 in Champing to Hannah X.
From this marriage:
1. Daniël, born on 11-08-1734 in Aylesford.
2. Daniël, born on 10-10-1736 in Aylesford.
3. Hannah, born on 30-03-1744 in Aylesford.
IV.8 James Alexander PEEN, born 1755 in Sutton Valence, died on
10-12-1834, son of William PEEN (see also III.1) and Elizabeth X.
Married to Elisabeth X, born 1756, died 1835.
From this marriage:
1. Susannah, born 1772 in Sutton Valence, died 1773 in
Sutton Valence.
2. Elisabeth, born 1782 in Sutton Valence, died 1836.
3. Sarah, born 1785 in Sutton Valence.
4. Ann, born 1788 in Sutton Valence.
5. William, born 1790 in Sutton Valence.
6. Susannah, born 1792 in Sutton Valence.
7. Frances, born 1793 in Sutton Valence.
8. James (see also V.8).
V.8 James PEEN, born 1796 in Sutton Valence, died on 26-08-1844, son
of James Alexander PEEN (see also IV.8) and Elisabeth X.
Married to Elisabeth X.
From this marriage:
1. Mary, born 1813 in Sutton Valence.
2. Sarah, born 1815 in Sutton Valence.
3. Thomas, born 1818 in Sutton Valence.
4. Susannah, born 1820 in Sutton Valence.
5. James (see also VI.5).
6. Ann, born 1826 in Sutton Valence.
VI.5 James PEEN, born 1823 in Sutton Valence, son of James PEEN
(see also V.8) and Elisabeth X.
Married on 17-04-1843 in Headcorn to Eliza LINK.
From this marriage:
1. Mary Ann, born 1845 in Sutton Valence.
2. James, born 1848 in Sutton Valence.
3. William John (see also VII.3).
VII.3 William John PEEN, born on 24-03-1858 in Sutton Valence, died 1954
in Ulcombe, son of James PEEN (see also VI.5) and Eliza LINK.
Married to Agnes Eliza GOLDSMITH, died 1922 in Ulcombe.
From this marriage:
1. William (see also VIII.1).
2. Agnes.
3. Robert.
4. Thomas.
5. James.
6. George.
7. Edward.
VIII.1 William PEEN, born on 14-02-1900 in Ulcombe, son of William
John PEEN (see also VII.3) and Agnes Eliza GOLDSMITH.
Married at the age of 24 on 26-03-1924 in Maidstone to Beatrice Emily
HEATHFIELD, 19 years old, born on 27-09-1904 in Marden.
From this marriage:
1. William James (see also IX.1).
2. Claude Robert, born 1929, died 1986.
3. Kenneth, born 1933, died 1940.
4. Raymond, born 1936, died 1939.
IX.1 William James PEEN, born on 26-03-1925 in Marden, son of
William PEEN (see also VIII.1) and Beatrice Emily HEATHFIELD.
Married at the age of 26 on 17-08-1951 in West Farleigh to Ivy
Gwendoline CLARK, 22 years old, born on 13-03-1929 in East Farleigh,
died on 05-01-1986 in Maidstone at the age of 56.
From this marriage:
1. Christopher James, born on 26-03-1954 in Pembury.
2.Steve William (see also X.2).
X.2 Steve William PEEN, born on 17-05-1956 in Marden, son of William
James PEEN (see also IX.1) and Ivy Gwendoline CLARK.
Married at the age of 26 on 27-01-1983 in Kent to Pauline Anne
WARNETT, 21 years old, born on 24-06-1961 in East Peckham.
From this marriage:
1. Emma Victoria, born on 30-05-1984 in Coxheath.
2. Kate Elizabeth, born on 27-07-1985 in Coxheath.
3.Rebecca Anne, born on 01-08-1988 in Coxheath.
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